
Note: Attached to the bottom is a copy of the picture that inspired this writing.

I have been abused, bruised, neglected, and loved.

I have endured losses and betrayals from those I have loved, yet I can still see the good in people.

I have felt lost, dismissed, neglected, and seen.

I have a calling to be there for others in a fully authentic way.

Sometimes, I feel as though I fade into the background.

However, as I have healed from those wounds too deep to be noticed, I found parts of myself I never knew were there under the injury.

My mother had a friend, Carol, who frequently said, “You have to suffer to be beautiful”.

I don’t believe I would be here now had I not heard this from a young age.

I have been all those things in my short time on this beautiful rock we call home.

But through these things, I was educated on why those tend to balance.

Although you may have been abused, bruised, and beaten, know you are loved

Even though you have experienced great loss and greater betrayals, you are still good.

And if you ever feel lost, dismissed, or neglected, you are seen.

This is the beautiful in me that has come from my trials.

So, my modified quote is, “Sometimes, you must suffer to be beautiful.”

TSCrow 02/10/2025 @2059

Inspiring picture


The purpose behind journaling for mental health